Saturday, November 04, 2006

Next Blog >>

Have you ever clicked the "next blog>>" link at the top of the page? I did just now and saw this quote posted prominently on a blog entitled "headlines on things that matter":

"I'm old enough to be satisfied with what I have, and young enough to still want more; Lucky enough to have been really stupid and lived to tell about it--cursed enough to have a good memory; Intelligent enough to understand that I still have a lot to learn, and ignorant enough to continually prove to myself that I still haven't."

I like it. :)


jinx protocol said...

Hey Claire. I just thought I'd drop in and say hey. Once I'm done with the novel, I should be able to read ALL of your posts!

Claire Miller said...

yay! good luck with the novel, tyler, and let me know when you're done!

p.s. we should hang out soon...if not, i will definitely see you at maran and laura milner's party! :)