Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This Week's Ramblings

I feel like everything that's been going on in the past two weeks is jumbled in my head...and so my jumbled ramblings are here for you to peruse...

Football ticket pickup was fun. Oh, wait, I'm being sarcastic. I understand the University's attempt to prevent people from skipping classes and fainting on the sidewalk outside Stegman Coliseum by having us line up between 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. instead of at noon, but the 100* heat doesn't really drop significantly until after the sun goes down. And opening the ticket booths on the side of the coliseum that was getting direct sunlight might not have been the best plan.

I suppose I shouldn't complain that least I got tickets.

On a lighter note, I saw the movie Superbad this past weekend. For those out there who haven't seen it, it's hysterical all the way through. One of the great things about this movie is the fact that they chose actors who actually look like they could be in high school instead of the actors in their mid-20s playing teenagers. I commend the casting director for that. Also, let me say that the main three actors were fantastic. I already liked Michael Cera (left) from his performance in Arrested Development as the awkward George Michael, but the actors who played Seth (center) and Fogell/McLovin (right) were great as well. They had great chemistry. I wouldn't recommend it to those who can't stand vulgar dialogue because it's chock full of it, but if you don't mind it or you enjoy it thoroughly, go see it right now!

1 comment:

jinx protocol said...

Superbad was pretty awesome. A little FYI:

- Did you know that Seth Rogan - the cop with the mustache - wrote the script about a decade ago and was supposed to play Jonah Hill's part in the movie? He's only 25 - a great age! - which is only a year older than Jonah Hill.

I'm glad you liked the movie. I did, as well. How're things going with you this semester? I heard that you and Maran and Jeanna are going to hang out tonight. That'll be awesome, eh?