Thursday, September 14, 2006

Post Secret

My friend Alison is addicted to Post Secret, which, for those of you who don't know, is "an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard." There's a book out filled with them and there's a blog that updates with new ones every Sunday. Some of them are really sad, some are funny, some are serious, some are just downright scary. I decided to look at the website this afternoon and here are a few of my favorites:

I'm an anglophile. And I love Spongebob. I do believe it's evident why I like this one.

Awww. Too cute.

Yesss. Story of my life!

There are a lot more on the blog, and they change them every Sunday. Check them out!


jinx protocol said...

Is that chick a rooster? Too easy.

Claire Miller said...
